How Often Should I Redesign My Site?
Looking at the reasons to consider a site redesign.


Does your site feel fresh and new?

This is the first question you should use to figure out when you need to update your site.  If you said “no”, stop reading and start working on a site redesign.  (Click here and we’ll review your options with you)

If you said “yes” or “maybe”, read on for a few other things to consider.


Has your web traffic slowed down?

If your numbers start to stagnate you may have a few issues. One of the top issues is SEO.

In our recent post on SEO Quick tips, we mentioned that updating your content can help to ensure your site is crawled.  I actually got a call from a friend of mine after I posted this and he said “is that really true?”  He assumed it would actually hurt you to keep changing your site.

As long as you keep your URL structure in place and don’t change key titles, a redesign can help you take advantage of new SEO techniques.

But doing a refresh of your site, like changing content, can help take advantage of the right language and tools on your site.

It’s like getting a car tune up.  You are still driving an old Ford but it’s going to be more efficient.


Is your site optimized for mobile?

Mobile optimization is one of the first things you should check in your path to redesign.  If it isn’t optimized it’s time to redesign.

Let me clarify an assumption. The fact your site loads on a mobile phone does not mean it is mobile optimized.  Google has an easy to use tool that will let you know if your site is, in fact, mobile optimized.

And with around 52% of all web traffic happening on mobile, you don’t want to miss out.



 Is it just plain ugly?

No one wants to visit an ugly site.  It’s not just about personal tastes.  Your site may be hard to read or difficult to navigate due to old parameters that simply don’t exist anymore.

New font options or layout options are available on new browsers.  These options can make your site much easier to navigate and look at.


Are the features on your site outdated?

Speaking of options, the capabilities of websites change regularly.  Older sites miss out on new key features. Being on an old platform, or even an old server, can greatly diminish what types of tools or features you can have on your site.

You could be missing out on-site features that make your site run faster and look better.  If your site has old features, a redesign will put those features back on the table.


Is It time?

Any single one of these questions could result in you considering a new site redesign.  Let’s be honest though, no one really likes change.  Industry standard says that if your site hasn’t been updated in the last 2 years, you are missing opportunities.

If you are ready to explore you redesign options, give us call and we’ll walk you through some of the options you have.

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